Diversity in occupational safety

Taking care of the occupational safety and health of different people so that the work does not cause danger or harm to the worker or others, despite individual, cultural or other differences, is diversity in occupational safety. 

Taking care of the occupational health and safety of different people so that doing the work does not cause danger or harm to the person doing it or to others, despite individual, cultural or other differences, is diversity in occupational health and safety. 

It is important to take diversity into account in the assessment of occupational safety risks and hazards, in the occupational safety and health action program, in interaction, in occupational safety and health cooperation, and in the training of personnel on occupational safety and health at the workplace. Identifying risks and dangers from different people's perspectives provides information on how to make the work environment safe for everyone. In this way, they facilitate the comprehensive preparation and implementation of the occupational health and safety action program. 

The evaluations and reports carried out by the occupational health and safety cooperation also contribute to increasing the awareness of diversity among the entire staff. The more practical and all-inclusive occupational health and safety measures are taken in the workplace, the faster and more permanently diversity will become a part of everyday work. At the same time, we get opportunities to learn from each other and improve everyone's work well-being individually and collectively. 

Diversity training from the point of view of occupational health and safety helps to understand the working methods of different people, safety practices and to avoid safety threats due to misunderstandings, for example. At the same time, we learn to see our own biases and correct them. 

The different needs and situations of the personnel must be taken into account in the planning of the work environment and safety practices. Examples of these are accessibility, soundproofing, multilingual operating instructions and signs, and training for dangerous situations. 

 It is important to create an open and trust-based occupational health and safety culture in the workplace so that diversity is understood as wealth. In practical occupational health and safety, it can be seen in operating procedures and instructions. An open and respectful discussion about the need for various occupational health and safety measures, culture-related safety practices and the general attitude towards safety in the workplace helps to find common solutions for workplace-specific occupational health and safety.  

Managing occupational safety in a diverse work community requires extensive knowledge of diversity and differences. The management's role includes acting as an example and enabling and promoting a diverse work community culture. This kind of occupational safety management creates a safe atmosphere where everyone can succeed and be successful. Diversity should be seen as an asset that promotes equal occupational health and safety treatment, enriches the work culture and includes everyone equally.